
Natal Chart Astrology Mandala

This mandala is based on your natal chart. It’s an artistic representation of a photo of the sky from the exact moment you were born! The planets, astrological houses and signs are positioned exactly as they are in your birth chart. Astrological chart reading is not included.

Colours are for reference only and may vary slightly due to the difference in your cell phone or computer screen.

Important: when completing your purchase, I need you to write me the following information:
– city and country of birth
– date and time of birth exactly as it appears on your certificate, even if you were born during daylight saving time ;)

Available Sizes and materials:
– MDF 22cm
– Paper A4


*ps. The price is in Australian dollars and will be converted to your local currency at the time of checkout. It can be paid in 4 instalments when paid through PayPal.



Meet the artist

Hi, I’m Ka Pok, the face behind Colourful Ka. “Ka” is short for Karen, but it also means “soul” in Egypt. My purpose with all my creations is to inspire people to connect with the colours of their souls!

I was born and raised in Brazil and moved to Australia in 2015. Here I built my life with my husband and our dog Bowie. My art studio is based in Burleigh Heads and here I create pieces to bring joy and colours to the world

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Creating content with love since 2001 ❤ Design by Karen Pok |All rights reserved.

Colourful Ka acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land on which I create all my artwork, the Yugambeh People.
I extend this respect to elders of all communities, past, present and emerging.